I changed my mind.

  1. Who is surprised? No one.
  2. Two posts within 24 hours, who am I !?
  3. Don't get your hopes too high, this is just a quick little business update.

 I had initially thought I would put updates about my work on here so that it was easier for those who wanted to keep up with my  life. After some consideration, I have decided that I am going to just send newsletters via email (and the occasionally snail mail) since some of my work is in sensitive locations working with vulnerable populations. This change will allow me to give more in-depth and unfiltered updates.If you would like to receive those emails click here to fill out the contact form. **** Important: this is a separate from the blog subscription, so even if you get an email every time I post on here, you will still need to complete the contact form ****** 




Prayer and Personhood.