
This is my third or fourth attempt at writing this update. There is both so much to say and also words are hard to find.

My first draft just said, “Mom started hospice. Happy Mother’s Day.” End of blog post.

Jason told me that might earn me some calls. Fair. But also, like, what else is there to say? In my mom’s words, “This is not an unexpected update, but you just kind of always hope.”

It’s true, you do kind of always hope.

But here we are. Hospice. The good news is that hospice will provide the support and care Mom needs and deserves right now. The bad news is that it’s hospice.

I don’t know what the coming days, weeks, or months will look like. I do know that Mom would love to hear from you. She may be slow to respond to calls or texts, but they don’t go unnoticed. If you want to send her anything and don’t have her updated address, reach out to me and I can pass it along.

Obviously, this is not ideal, nothing about cancer is, but it’s where we are and we are making the most of it.


the worst update.


an unwanted update.